General Frequently Asked Questions
What is CIP?
I’m looking for an innovative high performance system for residential construction. Why choose CIP?
What makes Monolith Systems unique?
The Monolith wall assembly is a tested building system consisting of only concrete, rebar, and insulation to create a singular monolithic wall structure. Designed specifically to address a variety of challenges commonly faced in traditional building standards throughout the Pacific Northwest, Monolith stands as a testament to modern building innovation.
Monolith’s concrete insulated panels are a superior wall system that achieve high energy efficiency while also offering a superior level of comfort inside the home. Insulated concrete homes are healthy, durable, and easy to maintain. The robust construction of Monolith Systems creates generational homes for families to enjoy.
The outer concrete veneer layer is made up of 2-2.5” of reinforced concrete and acts as a barrier that ensures moisture and air do not penetrate into the walls. This eliminates the need for traditional weather protection materials such as window flashings and building wrap. By pouring the concrete panels on a horizontal surface, Monolith is able to achieve superior architectural concrete finishes that are not possible by other construction methods such as vertically-poured concrete walls.
Rigid insulation forms the middle layer of the monolith wall system. This continuous layer of insulation between panels is a key component of the monolith wall system. The insulation layer and outer concrete veneer act as barriers to protect the thick interior concrete mass from the cooler outside air. This protection ensures that heat generated inside the home is absorbed and retained into the concrete rather than being lost to the outdoors.
Heat retention is an integral part of the monolithic wall mass and greatly reduces heat-loss that traditionally occurs in standard framed houses.
The inner concrete layer is the structural portion of the wall. Rebar is placed in this concrete layer for structural reinforcement.
Adding to the simplicity of the Monolith system, the entire wall anchors directly to insulated footings to comprise the home’s foundation walls.
Do Monolith walls meet BC Building Code Regulations?
Do concrete insulated homes resist fire? Are concrete homes fire-resistant?
Are concrete homes safe in earthquake prone areas?
What does R-value mean and what levels of R-value do Monolith wall systems have?
R-value is a way to measure how much a building product resists the flow of heat within a wall cavity. The higher the R-value, the more the resistance and the better the material is at insulating a home.
The 2 types of R-values are nominal and effective: Nominal R-value is the thermal conductivity of a product tested prior to its installation. The effective R-Value is the thermal performance of the wall as a whole and is usually referenced for entire buildings. The average BC Code-built home is R-12. Monolith wall systems range between R-32 to R-40.
What’s the difference between CIP and ICF?
Do CIP walls achieve Passive House certification?
How is electrical wiring installed in concrete insulated panels?
How are CIP walls finished on the inside and exterior?
How does the cost of CIP homes compare to traditional construction?
Durability and superior energy efficiency of CIP homes translates directly into long-term savings on maintenance and heating costs. The cost of building high-performance wood or steel-framed houses is similar to building CIP homes, however the durability and longevity of CIP wall systems is unparalleled with other construction methods.
Concrete monolith walls require minimal maintenance and their integrity and finishes are maintained without the upkeep of painting, sanding, replacement of rotting wood, etc that is traditionally required of framed homes.
What are the benefits of Tilt Up compared to Precast panels?
To ensure the panels are constructed with the best possible accuracy, Monolith panels are best when cast horizontally and then tilted up on the building site. Researching local concrete suppliers is required to ensure accessibility to site including the concrete truck’s reach capacity, sufficient quantity, and quality of concrete.
If a building site poses unmanageable logistics for casting the panels, panels may be precast off site and transported to site.
Whether cast on or off-site, the crane trucks, essential for lifting and tilting the panels into position, need access to the site and sufficient reach capacity. Crane rental fees and availability must also be confirmed by local crane supply companies.
How do I hang pictures or art on concrete walls?
How does a CIP wall feel on the inside?
Designing a Concrete Home
I’m a homeowner, how do I work with Monolith Systems?
I’m an architect or architectural designer. How do I work with Monolith Systems?
How many CIP panels are generally needed for a custom home?
How are electrical or data power points to a wall?
Building a Concrete Home
I’m a builder or General Contractor, how do I work with Monolith Systems?
Where are the panels manufactured?
What is the panel installation process?
What are the dimensions of Monolith concrete insulated panels?
How long does it take to build with Monolith wall panels compared to conventionally framed walls?
Can I add exterior windows after the walls are installed?
How are the wall panels connected to the footings?
Panels are connected to their footings with a tilt-up wall-to-footing anchor system that fasten to the wall and are bolted to the footings. See MeadowBurke and Connect EZ for some terrific concrete connection designs.